The organization clarifying what their training objectives are
- Determining the motivation of the staff who are being trained
2) The training itself MUST be engaging and participants need to be ACTIVE and not passive learners. If these 6 components are not included in the session, you can be sure that participants will forget much of what they learned in a very short period of time.
- Hearing
- Seeing
- Reading
- Demonstrating
- Practicing
- Teaching
3) What is the organization doing POST training to ensure implementation and long-term success? Have they allotted funding for ongoing coaching or consulting for example?
Sample Training Topics (1-3 days)
Using The Circle of Courage © To Re-Align Organizations
Are there issues between staff and management in your organization? Are your employees engaged in their work? Are you satisfied with your customer service record? Herky has taken the Circle of Courage © model and adapted it to Organizational Fitness and Organizational Development to address these and other issues in the workplace. In this training, participants will;
- Identify organizational strengths and weaknesses
- Set priorities for change
- Create, implement and evaluate an action plan
- Work together as a team
Managing Multi-Generations In The Workplace
For the first time in our history, there are potentially 5 generations of workers in organizations. How well do these 5 generations work together in your organization? Is management having difficulty motivating certain generations to produce the desired results? Is your organization attracting and retaining younger workers? In this training, participants will;
- Gain some understanding about what each generation brings to the workplace
- Identify disconnects in the organization due to generational differences
- Discover and learn how to relinquish generational stereotypes
- Practice more effective management techniques
- Determine more efficient ways for staff to work together
Accountability & Leadership
All leaders need to be accountable to someone for something but not all leaders are successful at doing so. Is it difficult for you to be held accountable for your actions? Are you able to determine which areas of your life you feel you are being more accountable in than others and why? Are you getting the most out of your staff in terms of effort and productivity? In this training, participants will;
- Determine what accountability really means to them
- Discover which areas of their life they would like to be more accountable in
- Examine the benefits and consequences of accountability in their lives
- Participate in an accountability exercise to become a more effective leader